Friday, August 6, 2010

Essay: The Long Way Home.

Based on the story read in class, "The Long Way Home" each students is required to respond, in the comment section,to the two (2) questions posted below. In addition they must also write a question based on the story that they wish their classmates to respond to, thus answering a maximum of three (3) questions.

Remember you must answer these two(2) questions and any one (1) question posted by any


1)Why do you think the captors refers to the Reformatory as the prisoners "own personal form of purgatory" in paragraph 3?

2)What do you think the writer meant when she said, "if I could find my way out of this sick misery they called a life." in paragraph 4?

Write your first name at the beginning of your response to the questions above, and state your classmate's question and your response as well.